Status Gizi, Asupan Energi dan Kebutuhan Energi pada Atlet Bola Voli

  • Muhammad Sazeli Rifki
  • Raudhatul Hanifah Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
  • Alimuddin Alimuddin Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Energy Intake, Energy Requirement, Nutritional Status


Components such as nutritional status, energy intake and energy needs in all sports are needed by athletes in order to be able to carry out training activities and when competing so as to improve achievements.  The research conducted aims to clearly determine the nutritional status, energy intake and energy intake of volleyball athletes. This study is a quantifiable study that uses survey design and descriptive methods of analisis related to nutritional status, energy intake and energy needs in volleyball athletes. The research design is a non-experimental design.  Formulir food recall 24 hours was the instrument used in this study. Recall is given as much as 3x in 24 hours. Filling out this form is done for 3x in one week without sequential. Based on the study, out of 35 volleyball athletes had a nutritional status of  30 people with a normal classification (85.71%) and 5 people with a fat classification (14.29%). Meanwhile, in nutritional intake, there were 4 people with a classification of very thin (11.43), 2 people with a classification of thin (5.71%), 15 people with a normal classification (42.86%), and 14 people with a classification of fat (40%). Energy needs physical activity aged 14-15 years with an average of 2602 kkl, age 16-17 years with an average of 2610 kkl, age 18 years with an average of 3143 kkl


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How to Cite
Rifki, M., Hanifah, R., & Alimuddin, A. (2022). Status Gizi, Asupan Energi dan Kebutuhan Energi pada Atlet Bola Voli. Sport Science, 22(2), 131-137.

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